Update Timeline

Find out what is newly added, changed, fixed, improved or updated in the latest Everest Panel versions.

Version 1.1.8

14 May 2024


✅ Implemented new statistics functions in the GUI to enhance loading speed on the Statistics page.
✅ Introduced new statistics functions to enhance performance and facilitate quicker migration and backup tasks.


✅ Updated the local server's Geo database to the latest version.
✅ Upgraded the EverestPanel Laravel packages to their most recent versions.


✅ Enhanced the statistics restoration function.
✅ Improved the backup function.
✅ Various functions have been enhanced to boost overall efficiency.


✅ Rectified issues with track names and titles in both current and past tracks.
✅ Resolved an SSL configuration bug.
✅ Fixed issues with the login logs page on the broadcaster panel.
✅ Addressed and fixed various other bugs.

Version 1.1.7

25 March 2024


✅ Added own SSL option for URL branding.
✅ Added SSL information on the URL Branding page.
✅ Added an option to avoid "(same artist - same track)" options, allowing users to return to the default playlist or replay the same track.
✅ Added cover image to API "get-past-tracks-api" and updated it to include an independent API for retrieving all track data.
✅ Show station ID for users using apps.


✅ Updated the local server's Geo database to the latest version.
✅ Updated the EverestPanel Laravel packages to their most recent versions.


✅ Various functions have undergone enhancements to improve their overall efficiency.


✅ Fixed SSL issue occurring after 3 months of expiration. Channels will now not stop and do not require manual restart.
✅ Fixed encoding issue in station description with Icecast.
✅ Fixed suspend issue with resellers for the broadcasters under them.
✅ Fixed next track image bug.
✅ Fixed clock issue bug.
✅ Fixed schedules one-shot bug.
✅ Fixed migration bug.
✅ Various other bugs have been addressed and fixed.

Version 1.1.6

19 December 2023


✅ Multi-sub FTP accounts for Media Manager
✅ Authenticated listeners feature for Icecast channels
✅ Shoutcast 2 license key, UID, and YP2 directory authentication key (AuthHash) for Shoutcast channels


✅ The local server's Geo database has been updated to the latest version
✅ The EverestPanel Laravel packages have been updated to their most recent versions


✅ Use ProFTPd service instead of vsFTPd
✅ The left menu is now in smaller letters


✅ Media Manager functions
✅ Various functions have undergone enhancements to improve their overall efficiency


✅ Public option for channels bug
✅ Track local image repeat issue
✅ Widget bug
✅ Countries statistics bug
✅ SMTP function bug
✅ Various other bugs have been addressed and fixed

Version 1.1.5

31 October 2023


✅ New button for jingle playlist in actions for tracks.
✅ New option for normalizing volume (mp3gain).
✅ Widget for the current track, now and past track lists, and a JSON API.


✅ The Geo database on the local server has been updated to the latest version.
✅ The EverestPanel Laravel packages have been updated to their most recent versions.


✅ Mail function for sending templates.
✅ Media manager functions.
✅ Various functions have undergone enhancements to improve their overall efficiency.


✅ Clock bug.
✅ Migration tool bug.
✅ Reseller authentication bugs.
✅ YouTube download progress on the progress page.
✅ Various other bugs have been addressed and fixed.

Version 1.1.4

20 September 2023

✅ Added: Mediacp migration support
✅ Added: Migration included info in migration page for each panel
✅ Added: Download sheets for statistics and playlist data
✅ Added: New players added

✅ Updated: The local server's Geo database has been updated to the latest version
✅ Updated: The EverestPanel Laravel packages have been updated to their most recent versions

✅ Improvement: Dark player widget
✅ Improvement: Tags input UI became more better
✅ Improvement: Various functions have undergone enhancements to improve their overall efficiency

✅ Fixed: Fix tags bug
✅ Fixed: Fix avoid artist feature bug
✅ Fixed: Fix Jingle playlist bug
✅ Fixed: Fix media manager bug
✅ Fixed: Various other bugs have been addressed and fixed

Version 1.1.3

21 August 2023


✅ Search functionality in the media manager.

✅ Sticky right side in the media manager when scrolling down.

✅ New tag system for tracks and playlists.

✅ Enhanced controls for customizing proxy URLs.



✅ The local server's Geo database is now updated to the latest version.

✅ EverestPanel Laravel packages are now updated to their most recent versions.



✅ Enhanced proxy functions.

✅ Various functions have been optimized for better efficiency.



✅ Bug in the migration tool concerning Centova, along with general improvements.

✅ Issues with move and delete options in the media manager.

✅ Jingle bug.

✅ Dark player bug.

✅ Various other issues have been addressed and resolved.


Version 1.1.2

25 July 2023


✅ Add a new feature for the migration tool to display an alert for existing accounts on the current server and allow overwriting if the "force" option is selected.
✅ Azuracast migration support has been implemented.
✅ Added support for the new cPanel operating system (cPanel with AlmaLinux 9 - RockyLinux 9).


✅ The local server's Geo database has been updated to the latest version.
✅ The EverestPanel Laravel packages have been updated to their most recent versions.


✅ Optimized the Statistics page to load faster.
✅ Enhanced YouTube functions for better performance.
✅ Various functions have undergone enhancements to improve overall efficiency.


✅ Fixed the Player Builder issue for preview and public view.
✅ Fixed the schedules bug.
✅ Addressed and fixed various other bugs.

Version 1.1.1 - stable

02 July 2023

✅ Added: New EverestPanel SSH command has been implemented to manually force SSL renewal for all domains. This command can be used in case of any SSL-related issues.

✅ Added: The ability to import m3u and text files has been added as an optional feature for playlists.


✅ Updated: The local server's Geo database has been updated to the latest version.

✅ Updated: The EverestPanel Laravel packages have been updated to their most recent versions.


✅ Improvement: The SSL function for setting and renewing SSL certificates has been further improved.

✅ Improvement: The YouTube functions have been enhanced to provide better performance.

✅ Improvement: Various functions have undergone enhancements to improve their overall efficiency.


✅ Fixed: The UI for the playlist tracks page has been fixed to accommodate long track names.

✅ Fixed: A bug related to the duration of rotation playlists has been resolved.

✅ Fixed: The re-stream feature now correctly displays the current track on the dashboard.

✅ Fixed: The rotation schedule name in the calendar has been fixed.

✅ Fixed: The issue with the browser favicon has been resolved.

✅ Fixed: Various other bugs have been addressed and fixed.

Version 1.1.0 - stable

07 June 2023

 ✅ Added: Playlist rotation type in schedules
 ✅ Added: Sonicpanel migration support
 ✅ Added: Connection parameter details for DJ accounts on the details page for Radioboss/Radiocaster, Sam Broadcaster, and Winamp + edcast
 ✅ Added: New language Polish

 ✅ Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server
 ✅ Updated: Updated EverestPanel Laravel packages to the latest versions

 ✅ Improvement: Improved YouTube functions for better performance
 ✅ Improvement: Several functions have been enhanced

 ✅ Fixed: Fixed a bug in the timezone function
 ✅ Fixed: Fixed a bug in the schedule system
 ✅ Fixed: Various other bugs have been resolved

Version 1.0.9- stable

16 May 2023

✅ Added: A new option has been added to manage time zones for countries that use daylight saving time. This option is available for admins, resellers, and broadcasters.

✅ Updated: The local server's Geo database has been updated.

✅ Updated: EverestPanel Laravel packages have been updated to the latest versions.

✅ Improvement: Several functions have been improved.

✅ Changed: The username character limit for broadcasters and resellers has been increased to 32, instead of 20.

✅ Fixed: A bug in the next track function in some cases has been fixed.

✅ Fixed: A file manager rename issue with folders has been fixed.

✅ Fixed: A bug in current track info on cPanel servers has been fixed.

✅ Fixed: A vhost configuration issue with cPanel servers in some cases for port 3003 and 3004 has been fixed.

✅ Fixed: The next track issue taking the same current track info has been fixed.

✅ Fixed: Some bugs in Jingles have been fixed.

✅ Fixed: A bug in the migration tool has been fixed.

✅ Fixed: Several other bugs have been fixed.

Version 1.0.8 - stable

26 April 2023

✅ Added: New option to playlist to avoid repeating the same track and artist for X minutes.

✅ Updated: Geo database on the local server.

✅ Updated: Everest Panel Laravel packages to the latest versions.

✅ Improved: Several functions.

✅ Fixed: Recent track images to read from track metadata image.

✅ Fixed: Bugs in jingles.

✅ Fixed:  Disk usage value in the admin dashboard

✅  Fixed: Calendar bug.

✅ Fixed: Several other bugs.

Version 1.0.7 - stable

12 April 2023

✅ Added: Added interrupting option for Jingle

✅ Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server
✅ Updated: Updated EverestPanel Laravel packages to the latest versions

✅ Improvement: Non-interrupts in schedules will play the next playlist after the current track in the previous playlist directly without needing to wait for the current and next track.
✅ Improvement: Jingle will play at full volume in and out, with no fading in all types of jingles.
✅ Improvement: Improved crossfade to update settings without restarting the station.
✅ Improvement: Several functions have been improved.

✅ Fixed: Several other bugs have been fixed.

Version 1.0.6 - beta

26 March 2023

✅ Added: New dark player for web and widget.

✅ Added: New widget for playlists only.

✅ Added: Playlist live now status in the Playlist Scheduler page.

✅ Added: Stop, status, and connected by option for DJs.

✅ Added: Skip the current track and skip the current and next track options in the dashboard for the Current Track box.

✅ Updated: Geo database on the local server.

✅ Updated: EverestPanel Laravel packages to the latest versions.

✅ Updated: Liquidsoap tool for auto DJ to the latest stable version for more improvement.

✅ Improvement: Improved interrupts in schedules to do soft interrupts with crossfade settings effect without force cut.

✅ Improvement: Several functions have been improved.

✅ Fixed: SMTP function to show errors if they occurred and improved more.

✅ Fixed: Jingle issue when removing playlist linked with it.

✅ Fixed: Bug in shuffle type for default playlist in the first play.

✅ Fixed: Youtube download issue.

✅ Fixed: Several other bugs have been fixed.

Version 1.0.5 - beta

16 February 2023

✅ Added: Proxy feature on ports 80 and 443 with enable or disable options.
✅ Added: Use metadata track image if it exists for the track after upload.
✅ Added: Option to change stream password for channels.
✅ Added: Empty playlist alert in Schedules and improved data more.
✅ Added: Jingles now (between tracks, at playlist start) will play only one track per time and then return to the normal list

✅ Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server.
✅ Updated: Updated Everest Panel Laravel packages to the latest versions.

✅ Improvement: Metadata for the custom player and optimized more.
✅ Improvement: System info page for Host Info to be more stable data and accurate.
✅ Improvement: Several functions have been improved.

✅ Fixed: Suspend issue fixed.
✅ Fixed: French language for some variables with other languages fixed.
✅ Fixed: Server type validation when creating broadcaster by admin and reseller fixed.
✅ Fixed: Some issues for the migration tool with Everestcastpro and Centova Cast fixed.
✅ Fixed: Server type validation when creating broadcaster by admin and reseller fixed.

Version 1.0.4 - beta

15 January 2023

✅ Added : Support CentOS Stream 9 - AlmaLinux 9 - RockyLinux 9 - RockyLinux 8 with cPanel
✅ Added : Support Centova migration
✅ Added : Select all and delete button to delete multi-selected tracks under the playlist
✅ Added : Option for reset playlist to start from the beginning
✅ Added : Ability for media manager to move files or directories to another directory
✅ Added : Set port range for new broadcasters' channels in the admin portal
✅ Added : New player builder
✅ Added : Direct URL with extension for Tune-in links

✅ Updated : Updated Geo database on the local server
✅ Updated : Update Everest Panel Laravel packages to the latest versions

✅ Improvement : Youtube downloader functions have been improved
✅ Improvement : The scheduled playlist improved more
✅ Improvement : Several functions have been improved

✅ Fixed : Fix bug with migration tool and backup
✅ Fixed : Fix bug with AutoDJ functions
✅ Fixed : Fix bug in manage ports feature
✅ Fixed : Fix bug in the calendar
✅ Fixed : Removed wrong update notification sign when login

Version 1.0.3 - beta

22 December 2022

 ✅  Added: New format AAC-LC up to 320 kbps
 ✅  Added: Update notification when new version release
 ✅  Added: Option to start schedule playlist not interrupts the previous playlist until current track and next track completed

 ✅  Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server
 ✅  Updated: Update Everest Panel Laravel packages to the latest versions
 ✅  Updated: Update Liquidsoap tool for autodj to the latest stable version for more improvement

 ✅  Improvement: Schedule playlist to start from the last minute for the previous playlist end
 ✅  Improvement: Sticky player in the panel and widgets
 ✅  Improvement: Schedules page and calendar improved more for the preview
 ✅  Improvement: Several functions have been improved

 ✅  Fixed: Fix wrong message (broadcasters limit) with trial license expired
 ✅  Fixed: Fix bug in the manage ports function
 ✅  Fixed: Loading loop issue with restore backup page
 ✅  Fixed: Fix update channel listeners limit issue for broadcasters in some cases

Version 1.0.2 - beta

07 December 2022

✅ Added: Manage Ports page for the admin to edit ports for channels
✅ Added: Enable or disable social relay and recording and youtube downloader options for the reseller account
✅ Added: Enable or disable youtube downloader for broadcaster account
✅ Added: Choice multi-channels for the main public web player page

✅ Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server
✅ Updated: Update Everest Panel Laravel packages to the latest versions

✅ Improvement: Delete from Schedules page take a long time in the process has been improved
✅ Improvement: Redesign the Server Root Storage tab on the System Info page to better view
✅ Improvement: Public web player page has been improved more

✅ Changed: Jingles now play only one track per time and then return to the normal list (time jingles only hourly, daily, per minute)

✅ Fixed: Broadcaster listeners' limit
✅ Fixed: Statistics with SHOUTcast channels fixed
✅ Fixed: Fix blocking functions on some network protocols
✅ Fixed: Fix calendar bug in the Schedules page
✅ Fixed: Fix Everest Panel default templates issue
✅ Fixed: Fix the uploads permissions issue when creating a new broadcaster

Version 1.0.1 - beta

17 November 2022

Our Brand New Audio Streaming Control Panel “Everest Panel” Beta Version 1.0.1 - beta Released

Start 15-Day Free Trial